118Basic Research on Applying Swarm Intelligence to an Optimizer in Variational Quantum Eigensolver
Proceedings of the 2024 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP 2024), pp.5-8 (2024-02).Isolation Strategy for Multi-Objective Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies (IJCIStudies), 2022, Vol.11,No.3/4, pp.159-175 (2023-02-14).A Basic Study on Herding a Flock of Sheep through Deep Reinforcement Learning in a Continuous Space
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.142,No.2, pp.149-150 (2022-02).Consideration on Isolation Strategy for Multi-Objective Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm
Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 12th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Applications (IWCIA) (2021-11).Performance of Herding Algorithm Using Local Positional Information of a Fish School
Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB2020), pp.402-407 (2020-01).Computer Simulation Based Robustness Comparison Regarding Agents' Moving-Speeds in Two- and Three-Dimensional Herding Algorithms
Proceedings of Joint 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2018), pp.1319-1326 (2018-12).Search Performance Analysis of Qubit Convergence Measure for Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm Introducing on Maximum Cut Problem
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies (IJCIStudies), Vol.7,No.3/4, pp.231-252 (2018-11).Robustness of Herding Algorithm with a Single Shepherd Regarding Agents' Moving Speeds
Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.22,No.6, pp.327-335 (2018-11).Individuality for Quantum-Inspired Individuals Based on Nonuniform Convergence Speed in Maximum Cut Problem
Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.22,No.6, pp.315-326 (2018-11).Initial Consideration on Designing a System to Support Science Communication and Continuous Programming Learning
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference On Education Technology And Computers (ICETC2018) (2018-10).Analyzing the Robustness of Herding Algorithm Regarding Agents' Moving-Speeds
Proceedings of the 2018 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP 2018), pp.727-730 (2018-03).A Basic Study on Herding Algorithm in the Three-Dimensional Space
Proceedings of the 2018 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP 2018), pp.723-726 (2018-03).Study on Non-uniform Convergence Speed of Quantum-Inspired Individuals on QEA in Maximum Cut Problem
Proceedings of the 2018 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP 2018), pp.235-238 (2018-03).Investigation on introducing qubit convergence measure to QEA in maximum cut problem
2017 IEEE 10th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence and Applications, IWCIA 2017 - Proceedings, pp.73-78 (2017-12-13).Permutation Optimization Using a Gene-Coding Method of Qubits in TSP
Proceedings of the 2017 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP 2017), pp.101-104 (2017-02).Preliminary Experiment for Comparing Programming Learning Environments
The Asian Conference on Society, Education & Technology 2016 (ACSET 2016): Official Conference Proceedings (2016-10).Development of ESPACE Language for Distributed Parallel Processing System Inspired by the Acquired Immune
Proceedings of the 11th International Civil Engineering Postgraduate Conference - the 1st International Symposium on Expertise of Engineering Design (SEPKA-ISEED 2016), pp.731-739 (2016-09).Font Investigation for Japanese Stereotyped Impressions Given by Foreign Country Names
Proceedings of the 6th International Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research Conference (KEER 2016) (2016-08).Practice of 21st Century Skills-Oriented Project-Based Learning: A Case for Developing Application Software
The Asian Conference on Education & International Development 2016 (ACEID 2016): Official Conference Proceedings (2016-04).Permutation optimization using a gene-coding method of quantum bit by local improvement like the k-opt
Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, Vol.31,No.6, pp.AI30-B (2016).Framework of Japanese Language Learning and Educational Research Focused on Sound Duration
Journal of Japan Information-Culturology Society, Vol.22,No.2, pp.19-27 (2015-12).Development and Performance Evaluation of Safty-Oriented Cloth Focused on Hindrances for Widespread Use of Reflective Materials
Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering, Vol.14,No.4, pp.505-509 (2015-12).An Experimental Study on Optimization in Permutation Spaces by Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm Using Quantum Bit Representation
Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.19,No.6, pp.227-234 (2015-11).An approach to develop working persons' fundamental competencies by video production activities based on PBL into which ARCS model is introduced and its evaluation
IEEJ Transactions on Fundamentals and Materials, Vol.135,No.11, pp.686-687 (2015-11-01).Effect of Quantum Cooperation in Three Entangled Ants
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol.5,No.8, pp.29-33 (2015-08).A Basic Study on Optimization in Permutation Spaces by Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm Using Quantum Bit Representation: A Case for Traveling Salesman Problem
Proceedings of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP 2015), pp.114-117 (2015-02).A Basic Study on Quantum Cooperation of Three Entangled Ants
Proceedings of the 2015 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP 2015), pp.106-109 (2015-02).Self-organizing maps-based Japanese flag signaling recognition by using kinect
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.135,No.1, pp.138-139 (2015).Utilization of real-world data for a Kinect-based paint system
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.134,No.11, pp.1762-1763 (2014-11-01).An Experimental Study on Quantum-Entangled Cooperative Behavior in Swarm Intelligence
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol.4,No.8, pp.580-586 (2014-08).Development of a Digital Music-bell with Multi-Sound for Constraint Relaxation of the Number of Ringers
The Joint Journal of the National Universities in Kyushu. Education and Humanities, Vol.1,No.2 (2014-03).Gaussian Process Model Identification Using Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm and Its Application to Modeling of Power Systems
International Journal of Electrical, Electronic Science and Engineering, Vol.8,No.2, pp.448-453 (2014-02).Search Performance Analysis of Quantum Bit Representation Method for Integer-Type Gene According to Difference in Decoding Process of Observed Bit Sequence
IPSJ Journal, Vol.55,No.2, pp.1110-1115 (2014-02).Study on quantum parallel processing by adiabatic quantum computation in simon problem
2013 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, PDCAT Proceedings, pp.84-89 (2013-12).Model Reduction with Time Delay Combining Least-Squares Method with Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.17,No.5, pp.189-198 (2013-09).Study on Modified Adiabatic Quantum Computation in Deutsch-Jozsa Problem
Proceedings of the 2013 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP 2013), pp.149-152 (2013-03).A Basic Study on Cooperative Behavior in Swarm Intelligence Inspired by Quantum Entanglement State
Proceedings of the 2013 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP 2013), pp.69-72 (2013-03).Effects of Random Walk Mechanism and Local Search in MMAS for Quadratic Assignment Problem
IPSJ Journal, Vol.54,No.2, pp.1012-1019 (2013-02).Integer-Type Gene-Coding Method Based on Quantum Bit Representation in Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm: Application to Integer Knapsack Problem
Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.16,No.6, pp.495-502 (2012-11).Consideration on Quantum Simulation of Adiabatic Quantum Computation in SAT Problem
Proceedings of International Conference on Simulation Technology (JSST 2012), pp.597-602 (2012-09).Phase Scaling Effect of Adiabatic Quantum Computation in Deutsch Problem
Proceedings of the 12th Asian Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS 2012), pp.109-110 (2012-08).A Basic Study on Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm Using Integer Type Gene Coding Method Based on Quantum Bit Representation
Proceedings of the 2012 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits, Communications and Signal Processing (NCSP 2012), pp.543-546 (2012-03).Study on Quantum Parallel Processing by Adiabatic Quantum Computation in Bernstein-Vazirani Problem
2012 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING, APPLICATIONS, AND TECHNOLOGIES (PDCAT 2012), pp.678-682 (2012).A basic study on cooperative behavior of two butterflies inspired by quantum entanglement
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SEVENTEENTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND ROBOTICS (AROB 17TH '12), pp.951-954 (2012).Consideration on Detection of Plural Polygonal Figures by Immune Algorithm
Journal of Japan Society of Information and Knowledge, Vol.21,No.3, pp.319-332 (2011-09).Cooperative Action in Two Ants Inspired by Quantum Entanglement State and an Interpretation in Collective Decision Making
IPSJ Journal, Vol.52,No.8, pp.2467-2473 (2011-08).Remarks on Recognizing Emotion Expressed by Walking Motion by Using Acceleration Sensors of Home Gaming Console
IPSJ Journal, Vol.52,No.4, pp.1755-1760 (2011-04).Search Performance Evaluation of Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm on High-Dimensional Function Optimization
Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Vol.24,No.4, pp.97-99 (2011-04).Head tracking using infrared sensor of home gaming console and an application to controlling a mouse-pointer in multi-monitor display environment
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.131,No.9, pp.1652-1653 (2011).Study on the Effectiveness of Queen Ant Strategy for Binary Ant Colony Optimization
Journal of Japan Society for Fuzzy Theory and Intelligent Informatics, Vol.22,No.6, pp.804-817 (2010-12).Constructing a Server System Distributing Web Information to Mobile Phones for Engineering Education
The Joint Journal of the National Universities in Kyushu. Education and Humanities, Vol.4,No.1 (2010-10).A Basic Study on Cooperative Forces of Two Ants Inspired by Quantum Entanglement
Proceedings of the 2010 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP 2010), pp.61-64 (2010-03).Consideration on Gesture Recognition Based on Multilayer Neural Network by Using Input Device of Home Gaming Console
Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics (AROB 2010), pp.286-289 (2010-02).Experimental study on quantum-entangled cooperative behavior of two ants
Proceedings - 2010 2nd World Congress on Nature and Biologically Inspired Computing, NaBIC 2010, pp.566-571 (2010).Gesture Recognition Based on Multilayer Neural Network by Using Input Device of Home Gaming Console
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE COMPUTING INFORMATION AND CONTROL, Vol.5,No.12B, pp.5003-5010 (2009-12).Study of Embedded Software Education Using Java Program
The Joint Journal of the National Universities in Kyushu. Education and Humanities, Vol.3,No.1 (2009-10).Fundamental Study on MAX-MIN Ant System with Random Walk in Quadratic Assignment Problem
Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.13,No.4, pp.291-294 (2009-07).Experimental Consideration on MAX-MIN Ant System with Random Walk in Quadratic Assignment Problem
Proceedings of the 2009 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP 2009), pp.353-356 (2009-03).Evaluation on Clustering Performance in Simple Ant-based Clustering Strategy
Proceedings of the 2009 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP 2009), pp.423-426 (2009-03).Study on MAX-MIN Ant System with Random Selection in Quadratic Assignment Problem
Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Vol.22,No.3, pp.97-106 (2009-03).Investigation of Distributed Immune Algorithm in Job-shop Scheduling Problem
Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Intelligent Informatics (ISII 2008) (2008-12).Evaluation of Queen Ant Strategy with Memory in Swarm Intelligence for Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Journal of Signal Processing, Vol.12,No.6, pp.415-422 (2008-11).Development of Particle Language for Particle Swarm Optimization Method
Journal of Japan Information-Culturology Society, Vol.15,No.2, pp.85-90 (2008-11).Study on Immune Algorithm with Helical Crossover in Job-shop Scheduling Problem
Proceedings of the 2008 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP 2008), pp.439-442 (2008-03).Evaluation of Queen Ant Strategy with Memory in Ant Colony Optimization
Proceedings of the 2008 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits and Signal Processing (NCSP 2008), pp.435-438 (2008-03).An Evolutionary Multiple Heuristic with Genetic Local Search for Solving TSP
International Journal of Information Technology, Vol.14,No.2, pp.1-11 (2008).Development of Ant Language for Ant Colony Optimization Method
Journal of Japan Information-Culturology Society, Vol.14,No.2, pp.6-10 (2007-12).Helical Crossover Method in Immune Algorithm: A Case for Job-Shop Scheduling Problem
Proceedings of 10th IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISC 2007), pp.263-268 (2007-11).Experimental Consideration on Helical Crossover Method in Genetic Programming for Function Identification Problem
Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Vol.20,No.11, pp.454-456 (2007-11).Consideration on Stimulative Processing for Queen Ant Strategy in Swarm Intelligence
Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Innovative Computing, Information and Control (ICICIC 2007) (2007-09).Consideration on Helical Crossover Method in Immune Algorithm for Job-Shop Scheduling Problem
Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Vol.20,No.9, pp.384-386 (2007-09).Application of Genetic Recombination to Genetic Local Search in TSP
International Journal of Information Technology, Vol.13,No.1, pp.57-66 (2007).Development of Immune Language for Immune Algorithm
Journal of Japan Information-Culturology Society, Vol.13,No.2, pp.3-11 (2006-11).Consideration on Pair Swap Strategy in Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.J89-D,No.9, pp.2134-2139 (2006-09).Consideration on Simple Ant-Based Clustering Strategy in Clustering by Swarm Intelligence
Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Vol.19,No.8, pp.327-329 (2006-08).Consideration on Interference Crossover Method in Genetic Algorithm
IPSJ Journal, Vol.47,No.8, pp.2625-2635 (2006-08).Study on Heuristic Search in Information Retrieval using Bayesian Networks
Journal of Japan Society of Information and Knowledge, Vol.16,No.3, pp.39-49 (2006-08).Proposal of Mixed Interference Crossover Method in Immune Algorithm
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.J89-D,No.6, pp.1449-1456 (2006-06).New Learning Environment which Utilized Cyber-Space
Administration, Vol.12,No.3/4, pp.85-110 (2006-03).Consideration on Stimulational Queen Ant Strategy in Ant Colony Optimization
Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, Vol.19,No.2, pp.84-86 (2006-02).A study of stimulative queen ant strategy in ant colony optimization method
SEVENTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING, APPLICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES, PROCEEDINGS, pp.180-+ (2006).Evaluation and Discussion of Practical Experiments of e-Learning Site (PUK online) in Prefectural University of Kumamoto
Administration, Vol.12,No.1/2, pp.89-124 (2005-12).A Study of Distributed Parallel Processing for Queen Ant Strategy in Ant Colony Optimization
Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2005), pp.553-557 (2005-12).Efficiency of Local Genetic Algorithm in Parallel Processing
Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2005), pp.620-623 (2005-12).Consideration on Quantum Interference Crossover Method in Immune Algorithm
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.J88-D-I,No.12, pp.1795-1799 (2005-12).Consideration on Queen Ant Strategy in Ant Colony Optimization
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.J88-D-I,No.10, pp.1599-1602 (2005-10).Development of Gene Language for Genetic Algorithm
Journal of Japan Information-Culturology Society, Vol.12,No.1, pp.18-25 (2005-10).Image Searching Method Using Genetic Algorithm with Immune System Having a Mechanism Imitating Suppressor T Cell
Journal of Japan Society of Information and Knowledge, Vol.15,No.3, pp.48-58 (2005-09).Consideration on Distributed Parallel Processing of Queen Ant Strategy by Ant Colony Optimization in Traveling Salesman Problem
Transactions of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Vol.41,No.9, pp.772-774 (2005-09).Consideration on Plural Image Areas Searching by Using Immune Algorithm
IPSJ Journal, Vol.46,No.6, pp.1512-1515 (2005-06).Consideration on Individuality Ant Strategy by Ant Colony Optimization in Traveling Salesman Problem
IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.J88-D-I,No.4, pp.900-905 (2005-04).Network and Computer System for Education in Prefectural University of Kumamoto: Construction of new education/research infrastructure
Administration, Vol.11,No.3/4, pp.139-158 (2005).Consideration on Islands¨ Distance Strategy in a Genetic Local Search Based on One-Dimensional Torus Type Island Model
IEEJ Transactions on Electronics, Information and Systems, Vol.125,No.1, pp.84-92 (2005-01).Consideration on Unified Managing Method for Multiple Scale Vectorized Map Data Using Hierarchical Structure
Journal of Japan Society of Information and Knowledge, Vol.14,No.4, pp.89-104 (2004-10).Experiment on Object Persistency in Distributed Parallel Processing for Prime Factorization
Journal of Japan Society of Information and Knowledge, Vol.14,No.3, pp.50-54 (2004-07).A Local Search Algorithm Based on Genetic Recombination for Traveling Salesman Problem
Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2004) (2004-06).Consideration on Multiple Heuristic Search Method in Traveling Salesman Problems
Transactions of the Japan Society for Computational Engineering and Science, Vol.6, pp.155-161 (2004-05).Preliminary Considerations for Construction of e-Learning System for Interactive Distance Education
Administration, Vol.10,No.3/4, pp.31-70 (2004-03).Studies on Path Finding Algorithms and Their Applications (Doctoral Thesis)
Kagoshima University (2004).Genetic local search based on genetic recombination: A case for traveling salesman problem
PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING: APPLICATIONS AND TECHNOLOGIES, PROCEEDINGS, Vol.3320, pp.202-212 (2004).Development of Espace Language for the Internet-User-Participative Distributed Parallel Processing and Its Applications
Journal of Japan Information-Culturology Society, Vol.10,No.1, pp.11-18 (2003-12).A Multiple Heuristic Search Algorithm for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem
Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2003), pp.779-783 (2003-08).Noah's Ark Strategy for Avoidance of Excess Convergence by a Parallel Genetic Algorithm with an Object-Shared Space
Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT 2003), pp.527-531 (2003-08).Consideration on Noah¨s Ark Strategy in Parallel Genetic Algorithm with Object-Shared Space
Journal of Japan Society of Information and Knowledge, Vol.13,No.2, pp.1-17 (2003-05).Development of the Barcode-based Entrant Judgment System for the Library of Prefectural University of Kumamoto
Administration, Vol.9,No.1/2, pp.1-21 (2002-12).Development of Three-Dimensional Navigation System for Pedestrians Based on Seamless Virtual Walking
Journal of Japan Information-Culturology Society, Vol.9,No.1, pp.14-27 (2002-10).i-mode Cellular Phone-based Pedestrian Navigation System by Text Symbol Maps
Proceedings of 8th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS 2001) (2001-09).A Pedestrian Navigation System by Virtual Walking using VRML
中国体彩网羨室g玉豚寄僥丕o勣,No.2, pp.23-28 (2001-06).A Pedestrian Route Guidance System by Means of Virtual Walk Using VRML
Proceedings of 7th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS 2000) (2000-11).A Unified Managing Method for Multiple Scale Vectorized Map Data Using a Hierarchical Structure
中国体彩网羨室g玉豚寄僥丕o勣,No.1, pp.29-34 (2000-06).Visitor Guide/Virtual Walk-Through System for College Campus and Buildings Using VRML
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Proceedings of 5th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS 1998) (1998-10).繁秤C匂にmしたグラフィックスライブラリの撹
Z晩羨u恬侭晩羨冩梢侭冩梢鷂,No.35401 (1996).繁鬚映C匂にmしたグラフィックス児云ソフトの冩梢
Z晩羨u恬侭晩羨冩梢侭冩梢鷂,No.35004 (1996).A Route Finding Method for the Nationwide Road Networks of Japan by Restricting Search Areas Through the Use of Look-Up Table
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Sophia University (1994).Books and other publications
7Introduction to Programming Using Sphero and Tickle
Prefectural University of Kumamoto, (2017-03) (ISBN: 9784908305030).Introduction to Information Processing: Windows 10 & Office2016
System Technical Service Co., Ltd., (2017-03).Introduction to Information Processing: Windows 7 & Office2013
System Technical Service Co., Ltd., (2015-03).Kiyora-Suki and Secret Cuisine
Minami-Oguni Town Office, (2015-03) (ISBN: 9784908305009).Horizons of Comprehensive Knowledge
Kyushu University Press, (2014-12) (ISBN: 9784798501468).Human Interface Development in the next Generation
NTS Inc., (2013-06) (ISBN: 9784864690638).Parallel and Distributed Computing: Applications and Technologies, LNCS 3320
Springer-Verlag, (2004-12) (ISBN: 3540240136).Presentations
196Fundamental Study on Many Objective Optimization Using Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Isolated Strategy
IPSJ Kyushu Branch Hinokunijouhou Symposium 2025 (2025-03-06).Development of Kumamoto Dialect Learning Game Application for Non-Native Speakers of Japanese for Smooth Participation in Local Communities
2024定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2025-02-28).Development of a Food Education Support Application for Children
2024定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2025-02-28).晩械旋喘されているスマ`トデバイスを喘いたエアギタ`アプリの児A篇
The 2025 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference (2025-02-11).uパッケ`ジデザインにおける燕秤イラストと弼爐僚Mみ栽わせがu瞳uにもたらす唹
The 2025 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference (2025-02-11).弌僥丕縮の猟晒議佚廷が考の猟尖JRに嚥える唹
The 2025 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference (2025-02-11).Development of an App Aimed at Improving Children¨s Understanding of the Problem of Invasive Species in Lake Ezu
The 49th Annual Conference of JSiSE (2024-08-28), Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education.Development of an App Aimed at Improving the Usability of Gaze Input Devices and Its Initial Evaluation
The 2024 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (2024-03-14).Development of an App Aimed at Improving Children¨s Understanding of the Problem of Invasive Species in Lake Ezu
2023定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2024-02-27).仇囃n}盾Qアプリ_k縮圄の並箭
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(2024-01-25), t嬖‐砥歉t栽宥佚蕉、忽羨冩梢_k隈繁秤麝佚冩梢CNICT、匯違芙盞繁湘巒テレコム尅dセンタ`KIAI.
縮圄DXを屶えるGoogle Cloudソリュ`ション並箭 - 中国体彩网羨寄僥におけるDX容Mの函M
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(2023-12-14), Academic eXchange for Information Environment and Strategy.
Human Resource Development for Silicon Island
Prefectural University of Kumamoto International Symposium 2023 (2023-11-24), Prefectural University of Kumamoto.寄僥での僥び ?ICTによる芙氏n}の盾Qと僥伏ブランドとしての芙氏g廾?
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(2023-10-16), 俑云偏縮圄溜T氏.
DX in Education Promotion Efforts at Prefectural University of Kumamoto
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(2023-06-14), EDIXg佩溜T氏.
DX in Education Promotion Efforts at Prefectural University of Kumamoto
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(2023-05-11), EDIXg佩溜T氏.
DX Promotion Efforts at Prefectural University of Kumamoto
Educational DX (Digital Transformation) Seminar and Exhibition (2023-03-15), Hiroshima University and Ehime University.Development and Evaluation of Kumamoto City Zoological and Botanical Gardens Map App for Visitors
2022定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2023-03-07).Development and Initial Evaluation of an App for Children Aimed at Raising Interest in Water and Promoting Water Conservation Behavior
2022定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2023-03-07).弌僥丕咄S親におけるiV嬬薦の鯢呂鰆枯鬚靴壬a廁アプリの_k
The 2023 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference (2023-02-11).俑云仇寳のL晒契峭の匯廁を朕議とした俑云仇寳寳吊z巓[アプリ仝IKOU々
The 2023 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference (2023-02-11).Problem Solving from Nature
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(2022-10-14), 俑云ロ`タリ`クラブ.
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(2022-05-14), 幄塀氏芙iTAN.
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弌僥丕プログラミング縮圄のためのADDIEモデルに児づいた冩俐のOとそのu ゛俑云偏縮T鬚SD冩俐を鵑箸靴董
The 2022 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference (2022-02-11).嶷屏垢緑沈轜^殻委燐における伉田咾忙づく屶址アプリ仝HeartRecorder々
The 2022 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference (2022-02-11).A Study on Quantum N-Queens Problem Using Julia Quantum Gate Method
The 2022 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference (2022-02-11).fPする僥び
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A Consideration on Aso Tourism App for Regional Revitalization
The 46th Annual Conference of JSiSE (2021-09-03), Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education.Evaluation of ARERT, an App Aimed at Raising Disaster Prevention Awareness, from an Educational Perspective
Forum on Information Technology 2021 (2021-08).A Listening Comprehension Self-Study App to Support Verbal Communication Using a Local Language and Its Evaluation
The 83rd National Convention of IPSJ (2021-03).A Consideration on Aso Tourism App for Regional Revitalization
2020定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2021-03).楚徨C亠僥における箏崛迅唸毛キ┐砲茲詈蛍護}の冩梢
The 2021 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference (2021-02).謹朕議楚徨LM晒麻返隈MQEA-SPによる謹朕議双恷m晒のみ
The 2021 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference (2021-02).プログラミング僥の仟たなデザイン、徨どもたちと枠伏の僥びのをる寄僥伏
Kumamoto Education Week 2020 (KEW2020) (2020-11).契漬瞰R鯢呂鰆枯鬚靴AR償邦辛晒アプリの児A篇
及46指畠晩云縮圄垢僥冩梢fh氏畠忽寄氏 (2020-11).弌僥丕プログラミング縮圄を鵑箸靴塵椡省仆迷T鬚吋ンライン冩俐の匯g樹 仟たな冩俐スタイル、僥伏に僥ぶ枠伏
及46指畠晩云縮圄垢僥冩梢fh氏畠忽寄氏 (2020-11).A Basic Investigation on Herding a Flock of Sheep by Reinforcement Learning
The 2020 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (2020-03).A Basic Study on Learning Environment Design and Support for Continuous Programming Learning
The 82nd National Convention of IPSJ (2020-03).Consideration on Learning Environment Design of STEAM Education by Image Information Editing
2019定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2020-02).A Consideration on Workshop Design of Entrepreneurship Education Aimed at Training ICT Utilization Skills for High School Students
2019定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2020-02).頂rのボランティア歌紗宀鞭原I娶追討鯆慎弔箸靴QRコ`ド鞭原システム
The 2020 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference (2020-02).謹朕議0-1KPにおける謹朕議楚徨LM晒麻返隈QMEA based on Single Populationの冥沫來嬬u
The 2020 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference (2020-02).仇囃の隆栖をつめて?戻宛〃張▲廛螢羽`ション?
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(2020-02-21), 俑云偏羨@直弌僥丕.
Problem Solving From Nature
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(2019-09-11), 俑云Ug揖嗔氏 U啝醫垰溜T氏.
Proposal of Quantum?Inspired Multi?Objective Evolutionary Algorithm without the Concept of Group
The 72th Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu (2019-09).Life is a Journey of Discovering Possibilities
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(2019-07-11), 中国体彩网羨俑云垢I互吉僥丕.
A Consideration on the Performance of Herding Algorithm for Fish School
The 81th National Convention of IPSJ (2019-03).A Trial Practice of Science Communication Designed to Change Consciousness to Coding and Computer Science in Kumamoto City
The 81st National Convention of IPSJ (2019-03).ICTをよりよい芙氏恬りに伏かす
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(2019-02-22), 俑云偏羨臼何嶄僥丕.
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(2019-02-05), Science Groove.
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(2018-12-09), Prefectural University of Kumamoto.
Swift Playgrounds悶Y僥
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(2018-10-04), 中国体彩网暴僥縮圄冩俐氏秤鷭毛何氏.
A Basic Study on Knowledge Community-Type Learning Support System for Programming Learning
The 80th National Convention of IPSJ (2018-03).A Study on LINE's Stickers-Making Workshop Aimed to Acquiring Knowledge of Information Design and to Generating Interests of Activity Using Digital Software
2017定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2018-02).Study on a Smartphone Application using Manhole Cover-Based AR-Markers for Solving Problems Faced by Yamaga City in Kumamoto Prefecture
2017定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2018-02).A Study on Gene-Coding Method Based on Quantum Bit Representatio n for Graph Optimization
The 70th Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu (2017-09).Evaluation on Robustness of Herding Algorithm to Sheep's Moving Speed
The 70th Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu (2017-09).Study on Experiential Workshop of Robot-Programming for High School Students
The 42nd Annual Conference of JSiSE (2017-08).Study on Development of a Website Using Omnidirectional Camera and a Smartphone App with AR Function for Solving Problems Faced by Local Government Office
The 42nd Annual Conference of JSiSE (2017-08).Consideration on Crossover Method in Automatic Design of Electronic Circuits Using Evolutionary Computation
殫Щ畩砥殷Р親蹴28定業┻7指互冩梢v處氏 (2017-03).Consideration of Educational Framework for Informatics as Metascience
縮圄システム秤麪Щ瓧JSiSE 2016定業 及6指冩梢氏 (2017-03).Herding Algorithmにおける剪への來秘とその唹にvする篇
The 2017 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2017-02).0-1ナップザック}を鵑箸靴Physarum Algorithmの篇
The 2017 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2017-02).グラフ恷m晒}における楚徨ビット燕Fに児づくz思啀蹶F隈の篇
The 2017 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2017-02).Study on Experiential Workshop of Robot-Programming for High School Students
2016定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2017-02).Study on Development of a Website Using Omnidirectional Camera and a Smartphone App with AR Function for Solving Problems Faced by Local Government Office
2016定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2017-02).iPadを喘いたプログラミングg
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(2016-11-22), 中国体彩网暴僥縮圄冩俐氏秤鷭毛何氏.
Permutation Optimization Using a Gene-Coding Method of Quantum Bit
Forum on Information Technology 2016 (2016-09).Consideration on Smartphone Application Having AR Function for Solving Problems Faced by Local Government Office
The 41st Annual Conference of JSiSE (2016-08).Consideration on Smartphone Application Having AR Function for Solving Problems Faced by Local Government Office
2015定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2016-03).A Study on Video Production Workshop for Improving Media Literacy of High School Students
2015定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2016-03).Investigation of Impressions for Different Aspect Ratio Panoramic Photos
及11指晩云湖來垢僥氏敢湿寄氏 (2016-03).晩云繁らしいk咄誼のための鏡屶址アプリにvする冩梢
The 2016 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2016-02).双腎gにおけるk-Opt隈議蕉侭個鋲C嬬を嗤する楚徨ビットz思啀蹶F隈
The 2016 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2016-02).娚醸アルゴリズムのナップサック}へのm喘
The 2016 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2016-02).A Gene-Coding Method Based on Quantum Bit Representation for Permutation Optimization
The 68th Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu (2015-09).Search Performance Analysis According to Interpretation Methods for Dealing with Permutation on Integer-Type Gene-Coding Method based on Quantum Bit Representation
IPSJ Kyushu Branch Hinokunijouhou Symposium 2015 (2015-03).Proposal of Gene-Coding Method Based on Qubit Expression for Permutation
殫Щ畩砥殷Р親蹴26定業┻5指互冩梢v處氏 (2015-03).A Consideration on the Hands-on Activity of the Fabrication Leveraging the Latest Information and Communication Technology
2014定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2015-03).A Consideration of ``e-Motions'', Experience-Based Programming Workshop for High School Students
2014定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2015-03).A Consideration on Smartphone Application for Teaching Yourself Japanese Pronunciation Based on Comparison of Sound Duration
The 2015 IEICE General Conference (2015-03).ARCSモデルを秘したPBLに児づく啌騏惇試咾砲茲詆膸疊忙A薦圄撹にvする冩梢
The 2015 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2015-02).ICTC匂を喘いたワ`クショップにおけるバトンタッチ僥隈にvする児A篇
The 2015 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2015-02).晩云Z縮圄冩梢宀を屶址する咄殆徭咼薀戰螢鵐?咄Lデ`タЪシステムのB
The 2015 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2015-02).晩云Z掲銚Z宀を鵑箸靴尋L曳^による晩云Zk咄鏡アプリの冩梢
The 2015 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2015-02).楚徨ビット燕F隈における屁方侏z思咾零双盾隈の`いによる冥沫來嬬蛍裂
The 2015 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2015-02).娚醸アルゴリズムのナップサック}へのm喘
The 2015 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2015-02).互丕伏を鵑箸靴織廛蹈哀薀潺鵐位纈Y侏ワ`クショップ仝e-Motions々とそのu
The 2015 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2015-02).枠極ICTを試喘したファブリケ`ション?ハンズオンにvする冩梢
The 2015 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2015-02).楚徨ビット燕Fを喘いたQuantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithmによる双恷m晒にvする児A冩梢
IPSJ Kyushu Branch Wakatenokai Seminar 2014 (2014-09).Consideration on Optimization in Permutation Spaces by Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm Using Quantum Bit Representation
The 67th Joint Conference of Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineers in Kyushu (2014-09).A Study on Make Apps! Workshop Developing Smart Phone Applications for High School Students in Kumamoto
2013定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2014-03).A Study on the Development of Smartphone Applications for the Purpose of Solving the Problems Faced by Local Government Office through Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration
2013定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2014-03).カッコウ冥沫アルゴリズムによる互肝圷v方恷m晒の匯深賀
The 2014 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2014-02).楚徨ビット燕Fに児づく屁方侏z思咾鰉辰い錐双恷m晒のみ
The 2014 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2014-02).娚醸アルゴリズムによる恷玉U揃冥沫のgY
The 2014 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2014-02).Search Performance Analysis According to Difference in Decoding Process of Observed Bit Sequence on Quantum Bit Representation Method for Integer-Type Gene
M晒麻シンポジウム2013 (2013-12).A Study on Flag Signaling Recognition Based on Self-Organizing Map by Using Consumer Sensor Device
The 2013 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (2013-03-22).Consideration on Applications and E-Books to Improve Consciousness of Disaster Prevention for Elementary School Students
2012定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2013-03).Study on Programming Seminar ``SKPUK'' Using Motion Sensors for High School Students in Kumamoto
2012定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2013-03).Consideration on Storytelling System for Tales Handed Down from Generation to Generation in Each Area of Kumamoto Prefecture
2012定業JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2013-03).ジェスチャ?咄蕗JRによるプレゼンテ`ション屶址システムの篇とそのPowerPoint喘アドインとしての匯g廾
The 2013 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2013-02).返縄佚催を鵑箸靴迅埃砂M晒マップによるジェスチャJRの篇
The 2013 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2013-02).楚徨ビット燕Fに児づく屁方侏z思啀蹶F隈を喘いたQEAの屁方ナップザック}における冥沫來嬬蛍裂
The 2013 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2013-02).Study on Adiabatic Quantum Computation in Bernstein-Vazirani Problem
及55指徭嗽酉B栽v處氏 (2012-11).Consideration on a Prior Learning Site to Improve Consciousness and Knowledge of Disaster Prevention for Elementary School Students in Kumamoto City
2012定敢JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2012-03).Consideration on Distributing Sound/Video to Develop Kumamoto Pref. Tourism - Implementation of New Media Improving Immersion/Presence for Users -
2012定敢JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2012-03).Consideration on a Fund-Raising Information System to Improve Motivation for Fund-Raising
2012定敢JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2012-03).Search Performance Evaluation of Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm Using Integer Type Gene Coding Method Based on Quantum Bit Representation on Integer Knapsack Problem
IPSJ Kyushu Branch Hinokunijouhou Symposium 2012 (2012-03).楚徨もつれに彭襪魑辰慎のf{佩咾哩vする児A冩梢
The 2012 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop (2012-02).Identification of Hammerstein Systems Using Gaussian Process Models Adjusted by Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
及30指y徭嗽酉僥氏湘巒屶何僥gv處氏 (2011-12).Basic Study on Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm for Integer Knapsack Problem
Forum on Information Technology 2011 (2011-09).Basic Study on Integer Type Gene Coding Method Based on Quantum Bit Representation in Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm
The 64th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu (2011-09).Proposal of Quantum-inspired Evolutionary Algorithm Using Integer Type Gene Based on Qubit Expression
The 2011 IEICE General Conference (2011-03-15), The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.Consideration on Information Service System for Offering by Various Searching Methods Information of Great Men Related to Kumamoto
2011定敢JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2011-03).Consideration on Podcasting for Developing the Prefectural Tourism - Amakusa Version -
2011定敢JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2011-03).Consideration on a Web Application Aimed at Activating Extracurricular
2011定敢JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2011-03).Decision Process of Cooperative Action in Two Ants Inspired by Quantum-Entangled State and Its Basic Experiment
徨秤麝佚僥氏 MEとバイオサイバネティックス冩梢氏MBE (2011-01).Study on Robustness in Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Function Optimization Problem
M晒麻シンポジウム2010 (2010-12).秘僥念縮圄におけるメ`ルマガジン旋喘の函Mみ
晩云リメディアル縮圄僥氏, 及5指湘巒?_I屶何寄氏 (2010-11).The Result of Pre-Entrance Education using e-Learning on Prefectural University of Kumamoto
殫Щ瓧A何T及22指縮圄フロンティア冩梢氏 (2010-09).Experimental Study on Robustness in Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
The 63rd Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu (2010-09).A Study on Walking Human Emotion Estimation Based on Neural Network by Using Acceleration Sensor
SCI'10 (2010-05).Consideration on Weight Control System for Periodic Health Checkup of Pregnant Women by Using Force Sensor
2010定敢JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2010-03).Consideration on Podcasting for Developing the Prefectural Tourism
2010定敢JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2010-03).Consideration on Campus Guidance System PUKnavi by Using Two-Dimensional Bar Code
2010定敢JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2010-03).Consideration on Constructing Web-Based Syllabus PUKBUS by Using CMS
2010定敢JSiSE僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2010-03).Consideration on Gesture Recognition Based on Neural Network by Using Acceleration Sensor of Home Gaming Console
徨秤麝佚僥氏 パタ`ンJR?メディア尖盾冩梢氏, ヒュ`マン秤I尖冩梢氏PRMU, HIP (2010-03).Basic Study on Walking Human Emotion Estimation Using Input Device of Home Gaming Console
The 2010 IEICE General Conference (2010-03).Study of Embedded Software Education Using Java Program
晩云bI室g縮圄僥氏及22指湘巒屶何寄氏 (2009-10).Experimental Study on Quadratic Assignment Problem by MMAS with Random Walk and Local Search
Forum on Information Technology 2009 (2009-09-04), Forum on Information Technology.Consideration on MAX?MIN Ant System with Random Walk and Local Search in Quadratic Assignment Problem
SCI'09 (2009-05).Consideration on Quadratic Assignment Problem by using MAX-MIN Ant System with Random Walk
The 2009 IEICE General Conference (2009-03-19), The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers.Consideration on Effective Use of Wireless LAN in Our University by Using Skype
縮圄システム秤麪Щ瘟v廉屶何及23指僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2009-03).Consideration on Campus Guidance System by Using Touch Screen
縮圄システム秤麪Щ瘟v廉屶何及23指僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2009-03).Consideration on Web-Based Academic Document Management System
縮圄システム秤麪Щ瘟v廉屶何及23指僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2009-03).Consideration on Mixed Interference Crossover in Immnue Algorithm for Job-Shop Scheduling Problem
IPSJ Kyushu Branch Hinokunijouhou Symposium 2009 (2009-03).Experimental Consideration on Clustering Performance in Simple Ant-based Clustering Strategy
The 2009 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (2009-03).Basic Consideration on Detection of Plural Polygonal Figures by Using Immune Algorithm
The 2009 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (2009-03).Consideration on MAX?MIN Ant System with Random Selection and Local Search in Practical Quadratic Assignment Problems
Forum on Information Technology 2008 (2008-09-02), Forum on Information Technology.Distributed Processing on Immune Algorithm in Job-shop Scheduling Problem
峠撹20定業及1指IOT宥麻及1指秤I尖僥氏 インタ`ネットと\喘室g冩梢氏IOT冩梢氏 (2008-05-09).Study on Distributed Immune Algorithm in Job-shop Scheduling Problem
SCI'08 (2008-05).Consideration on Construction of Social-Networking-Service in Our University
縮圄システム秤麪Щ瘟v廉屶何及22指僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2008-03).Consideration on Attendance Management System by Using Fingerprint Authentication
縮圄システム秤麪Щ瘟v廉屶何及22指僥伏冩梢k燕氏 (2008-03).Consideration on MAX-MIN Ant System with Random Selection in Quadratic Assignment Problem
The 2008 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (2008-03).Consideration on Individuality Ant Strategy by Ant Colony Optimization in Quadratic Assignment Problem
The 60th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu (2007-09).Consideration on Web Site for Introducing Our University by Using Plants and Art Objects in Our Campus
縮圄システム秤麪Щ瘟v廉屶何及21指僥伏によるコンピュ`タ旋喘冩梢k燕氏 (2007-03).Consideration on Equipment Management System by Using Two-Dimensional Bar Code
縮圄システム秤麪Щ瘟v廉屶何及21指僥伏によるコンピュ`タ旋喘冩梢k燕氏 (2007-03).Consideration on Helical Crossover Method in Immune Algorithm: A Case for Job-Shop Scheduling Problem
IPSJ Kyushu Branch Hinokunijouhou Symposium 2007 (2007-03).オブジェクト慌嗤腎gを喘いたK双窒吽アルゴリズムによる俟何X亟寔における稽逢モ阿奮
The 59th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu (2006-09).Study on Pheromone Influence in Ant-Based Clustering
The 59th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu (2006-09).Consideration on Simple Ant-based Clustering based on Swarm Intelligence
The 59th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu (2006-09).Development of Immune Language for Immune Algorithm
IPSJ Kyushu Branch Hinokunijouhou Symposium 2006 (2006-03).Experimental Study of Ant-Based Clustering
IPSJ Kyushu Branch Hinokunijouhou Symposium 2006 (2006-03).Consideration on Mixed Interference Crossover Method in Immune Algorithm: A Case for Traveling Salesman Problem
IPSJ Kyushu Branch Hinokunijouhou Symposium 2006 (2006-03).Proposal of Queen Ant Strategy with Memory Structure by Ant Colony Optimization in Traveling Salesman Problem
IPSJ Kyushu Branch Hinokunijouhou Symposium 2006 (2006-03).Application of Genetic Recombination to Genetic Local Search in TSP
Forum on Information Technology 2005 (2005-09).TSPを鵑箸靴IAにおける楚徨孤h住我隈の篇
The 58th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu (2005-09).JavaSpacesを喘いたK双z撒張▲襯乾螢坤
The 58th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu (2005-09).儔指セ`ルスマン}を鵑箸靴ACOにおける溺藍藺圓慮珍爾箸修森
The 58th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu (2005-09).Information Retrieve Method using Heuristic Search and Bayesian Networks
The 58th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu (2005-09).Consideration on Immune Algorithm in Plural Image Areas Searching
The 2005 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (2005-03).Improvement of Queen Ant Strategy by Ant Colony Optimization in Traveling Salesman Problem
The 2005 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (2005-03).Consideration on Distributed Parallel Processing using an Object-shared Space in ACO
The 2005 Annual Meeting of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (2005-03).z撒張ペレ`タをMみzんだM晒侏謹嶷k議冥沫隈とそのTSPへのm喘
The 57th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu (2004-09).ACOにおける溺藍藺圓侶嵒K双晒による森
The 57th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu (2004-09).Study on Image Recognition Using Genetic Algorithm with Immune System
IPSJ Kyushu Branch Hinokunijouhou Symposium 2004 (2004-03).Study on Traveling Salesman Problem Using Ant Colony Optimization
IPSJ Kyushu Branch Hinokunijouhou Symposium 2004 (2004-03).Development of Authoring Language for Multipath-based e-Learning System
The 19th Annual Conference of JSET (2003-10-12), Japan Society for Educational Technology.オブジェクト慌嗤腎gによる蛍柊K双I尖のためのEspace冱Zの_k
The 56th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu (2003-09).雙崙Cを嗤する窒吽システム侏GAによる鮫駝祝隈の冩梢
The 56th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu (2003-09).屈嶷揖伉叟感縞佚籌辰砲ける儔指セ`ルスマン}の謹嶷k議冥沫隈
2003 PC Conference (2003-08).Study on Islands' Distance Strategy by Genetic Local Search in TSP
IPSJ Kyushu Branch Hinokunijouhou Symposium 2003 (2003-03).Study on Traveling Salesman Problem by Parallel Genetic Local Search with Object-shared Space
JSME 15th Computational Mechanics Division Conference (2002-11).1肝圷ト`ラスW彜犹ソ咯Aによる}方鹿睾uモデルK双z撒直嵋冥沫の冩梢
The 55th Joint Conference of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in Kyushu (2002-09).ug鉦xを深]したト`ラス彜uモデルによるK双z撒直嵋冥沫の冩梢
IPSJ Kyushu Branch Wakatenokai Seminar 2002 (2002-08).i-mode Cellular Phone-based Pedestrian Route Guidance System by Means of Text Symbol Maps
The 62nd National Convention of IPSJ (2001-03).A Study on Data Structure of Topographic Map Data for VRML-based Pedestrian Route Guidance System
The 62nd National Convention of IPSJ (2001-03).A Method for Grading Node of Vectorized Line Data
The 60th National Convention of IPSJ (2000-03).A Three-Dimensional Guidance System for Pedestrians from Wide Area to Indoors
The 60th National Convention of IPSJ (2000-03).Seamless Virtual Walking-Based Three-Dimensional Building Guidance System Using VRML
及7指I嬬薦_k冩梢k燕v處氏 (1999-10).A Three-dimensional Guidance System using VRML over Internet
The 58th National Convention of IPSJ (1999-03).Application of Unified Managing Method for Vectorized Line Data to Actual Large Scale Data and its Evaluation
The 57th National Convention of IPSJ (1998-10).A Unified Managing Method for Multiple Scale Vectorized Map Data having Hierarchical Structure
The 56th National Convention of IPSJ (1998-03).A Basic Graphics Library Consumer Information Systems
The IEICE General Conference (1997-03).A Basic Graphics Library fitting for Consumer Information Systems (96-CG-83)
IPSJ SIG Notes (1996-CG-083) (1996-12).A Basic Graphics Library fitting for Consumer Information Systems (PRMU96-113)
Technical report of IEICE. PRMU (1996-12).A Multimedia Album System for Windows
The 48th National Convention of IPSJ (1994-03).A Multimedia Town Map System Operated through Voice
The 48th National Convention of IPSJ (1994-03).A Route Search Method which Restricts the Search Area through the Topo-graphical Properties
The 48th National Convention of IPSJ (1994-03).A Vehicle Dispatcher System using GPS Data and Tele-Terminals
The 48th National Convention of IPSJ (1994-03).A Route Finding Method using the Search Areas restricted through the Topographical Properties (94-IS-48)
IPSJ SIG Notes (1993-IS-048) (1994-03).A Geographical Information System for the Freeways of Japan
The 46th National Convention of IPSJ (1993-03).A Study on the Automatic Generation of Schematic Maps for Vehicle Navigation
The 45th National Convention of IPSJ (1992-10).A Route Guidance System for the Metropolitan Express Way
The 44th National Convention of IPSJ (1992-03).Misc.
2Seamless Virtual Walking-Based Three-Dimensional Building Guidance System Using VRML
Skill and Technology: Professional development technological magazine, Vol.35, No.2/2000, pp.19-24 (2000-03).Optimum Path Exploration - Optimum path exploration method for national highway network limiting search area as district unit
Image Lab, Vol.6, No.7, pp.48-52 (1995-07).Works
22Kumamoto Karutatto
(2024-10-15 - Current).Logmeal
(2024-09-09 - Current).iChase
(2024-05-08 - Current).ウォタべる
(2024-03-14 - Current).ezuQ
(2023-09-27 - Current).考と寄僥伏が慌に僥ぶプログラミング縮圄容Mの函M ?俑云偏羨励牽弌僥丕 6僥定尖親でのg樹?
(2023-04-24 - Current).‐デジタル縮可B初 慎3指仝ロ`マ忖の々
(2023-04-17 - Current).考と寄僥伏が慌に僥ぶプログラミング縮圄容Mの函M ?俑云偏羨励牽弌僥丕 あおぞら僥でのg樹?
(2023-02-16 - Current).‐デジタル縮可B初 慎2指仝オリジナルrg護を恬ろう々
(2022-11-10 - Current).IKOU
(2022-11-02 - Current).‐デジタル縮可B初 慎1指仝オリジナルパフェを恬ろう々
(2021-12-09 - Current).‐デジタル縮可B初 震e指仝緗召気鵐ぅ鵐織咼紿`々
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(2016-12-13 - Current).くまモンと、まいにち芦畠 岑ってる迅壗の住宥ル`ル
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10蒙SU.S. Patent No. 6236404 B1 Perspective projection calculation devices and methods
蒙_峠08-190626 デ`タI尖廾崔
蒙_峠09-134451 邑誘唹麻廾崔および邑誘唹麻圭隈
蒙_峠09-305789 處麻圭隈およびグラフィックス燕幣廾崔
蒙_峠10-083180 グラフィックス燕幣廾崔式び圭隈
蒙_峠10-161636 グラフィックス燕幣廾崔
蒙_2000-29383 輟留輅招酬┌輟留輅衝慰端阿嗷h箪悶
蒙_2000-205888 了崔?圭了秤麋ゝ歎酬┝阿嘛慰
蒙SU.S. Patent No. 6043820 Perspective projection calculation devices and methods
蒙_峠10-134204 グラフィックス燕幣廾崔
Media coverage
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 2 (2023-12-17).TSMCインパクト=磯悶繁可圄撹テ`マにh h羨寄が忽Hシンポジウム
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, dは隆_J (2023-11-25).アップルCEOもpm 俑云の寄僥3定伏が仝バグ鬄垢廃Г鵑世海
linkties Co., Ltd., Forbes JAPAN (2023-09-01).晩云の僥伏が5兆も秘p、Swift Student Challenge鞭p宀がZる仝アプリ_kの龍々
Mynavi Corporation, マイナビニュ`ス (+Digital) (2023-08-27).晩云から5繁も秘pToday at Apple蒙eセッション仝Swift Student Challengeの秘p宀をお廝いしよう々レポ`ト
栽揖氏芙CLOPLOT, Gadgetouch (2023-08-24).Today at Appleでリコチャレセッション。Swift Student Challenge秘p宀k燕も
HERITAGE Inc., Dig-it (2023-08-23).アップル晩云隈繁、40巓定の婢李
HERITAGE Inc., Dig-it (2023-08-08).アップル晩云隈繁40巓定、晩云に嚥えた挫ましい篁
Mynavi Corporation, マイナビニュ`ス (+Digital) (2023-08-08).プログラミング僥の枠にある僥び、AIr旗を伏きる徨工たちに箔められる薦
linkties Co., Ltd., Forbes JAPAN (2023-08-08).Appleは晩云で廷すべき40巓定を哭えました
Apple Inc., Newsroom (2023-08-08).ティム?クックCEOが仝仟r旗の_k宀々とu アップルの_k宀鬚厩H氏hで中国体彩网羨寄僥の僥伏2繁秘p
テレビ俑云, FNNプライムオンライン (2023-08-03).致アップル麼岸のアプリ_kコンテスト、中国体彩网羨寄の2繁が秘p´ティム?クックCEOpm
i嗤詑芙, i嗤詑 オンライン (2023-08-02).致アップル麼岸のアプリ_kコンテスト、中国体彩网羨寄の2繁が秘p´ティム?クックCEOpm
i嗤詑┳侵, dは隆_J (2023-08-02).晩云の蚕y猟を僥ぶアプリ´中国体彩网羨寄の僥伏が_k
i嗤詑芙, i嗤詑 オンライン (2023-08-01).中国体彩网羨寄僥の僥伏2繁のアプリがアップル芙忽H氏hで秘p
テレビ俑云, TKU Live News 俑云のニュ`ス, 慧僕rgは隆_J (2023-08-01).蚕y猟 アプリで弊順に 致アップルのコンテスト秘p
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 11 (2023-07-22).仝偏防庁々に仝楳今襖々 晩云の蚕y庁テ`マにアプリ_k 中国体彩网羨寄伏2繁、弊順でu 致アップル_岸のコンテスト秘p
俑云晩晩仟芙, 俑云晩晩仟┘ンライン (2023-07-21).寄返IT二IAppleの麼岸コンテストで俑云の寄僥伏が秘x 仝よりよい隆栖を恬る_k宀々とCEO~m
俑云慧僕, RKK 櫓圭Liveゲツキン, 18:19?18:22慧僕 (2023-07-13).Appleもった}伏ディベロッパ`を竃する^階g樹議 ̄冩梢片
マイナビ竃井, Mac Fan, 及31, 及7催, 宥485催, 106-107 (2023-07-01).晩云の蚕yyを弊順に。俑云の寄僥伏がAppleの?Swift Student Challenge?に秘p
Mediagene Inc., GIZMODE (2023-06-14).嗽歌@ アプリ秘れてGO h羨寄伏_k 羨悶イラスト、伏BB初
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 11 (2023-05-02).ティム?クックCEOはなぜ3定ぶりに栖晩したのか
マイナビ竃井, Mac Fan, 及31, 及2催, 宥480催, 102-103 (2023-02-01).EVERYONE CAN CODE プログラミングを僥ぼう┫麪Ь」
Apple Inc., App Store (2023-01-09).アップル ティム?クックCEO栖晩、嵳壓5晩gで採をたのか
linkties Co., Ltd., Forbes JAPAN (2022-12-20).Appleのティム?クックCEOとグレッグ?ジョズウィアック箆が栖晩。俑云から牽小まで、匯Lgの怎Eを{ってみる
アイアリ, アイアリ (2022-12-18).Apple叨Tのグレッグ?ジョズウィアック箆、中国体彩网羨寄僥をL
幄塀氏芙レッドコンサルティング, iPhone Mania (2022-12-13).アップルは晩云に5定で13.8孥厖禽Y、ティム?クックCEOらが晩云L嶄
linkties Co., Ltd., Forbes JAPAN (2022-12-13).ティム?クックが栖晩した尖喇と、晩云への1,000|ドル參貧の誘Y
HERITAGE Inc., Dig-it (2022-12-13).Apple、晩云のサプライヤ`への誘Yを紗堀2018定參週1,000|ドル參貧を屶竃
Apple Inc., Newsroom (2022-12-13).Appleヨ何が中国体彩网羨寄僥で飛き僥伏デベロッパ`に擦┐燭海
KADOKAWA ASCII Research Laboratories, Inc., x iPhone/Mac (2022-12-13).Kumamoto: Students develop app to tour earthquake areas via `One Piece¨ characters
The Yomiuri Shimbun, The Japan News (2022-12-12).Appleのワ`ルドワイドマ`ケティング毅輝シニアバイスプレジデントGreg Joswiak箆、栖晩し中国体彩网羨寄僥のアプリ_kFをL
Mac OTAKARA, Mac OTAKARA (2022-12-12).俑云仇寳zなど儔る h羨寄伏がアプリ_k 仝ワンピ`ス々颪 頂Δ僚毛僥ぶ
鞍孃詑芙, 鞍孃詑┘ンライン (2022-11-13).ワンピ`ス颪瓩阿襯▲廛蝓寄僥伏が_k仝俑云仇寳のつないで々
劾晩仟芙, 劾晩仟デジタル (2022-11-09).俑云仇寳の@覚して ワンピ`ス颪晩吊zをB初するアプリ、中国体彩网羨寄伏ら_k
俑云晩晩仟芙, 俑云晩晩仟┘ンライン (2022-11-06).ワンピ`ス颪鮖醵 俑云仇寳のz儔るアプリ 僥伏グル`プが_k
廉晩云仟芙, 廉晩云仟┘ンライン (2022-11-03).仝拓わらの匯龍々駱欧誦гアプリ 中国体彩网羨寄僥が_k
晩云Ug仟芙, 晩云Ug仟┘ンライン (2022-11-02).俑云仇寳寳吊z巓[アプリ IKOU リリ`ス_兵!!
中国体彩网, 俑云疐dプロジェクト, 疐dプロジェクトNEWS (2022-11-02).DX 俑云の隆栖を深える恙氏 - b僥郊B亊 繁可圄撹を
Kumamoto Nichinichi Shimbun Co., Ltd., Kumamoto Nichinichi Shimbun (Morning edition, separate print: Feature about Kumamoto's economy and industry "THE FUTURE OF KUMAMOTO 2022"), pp.2-3 (2022-09-30).アプリ_kできたよ。 弌嶄僥伏がプログラミング僥ぶ
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, dは隆_J (2022-08-23)._kアプリでコンテスト秘pを鷂
テレビ俑云, TKUニュ`ス, 慧僕rgは隆_J (2022-07-21).致アップルのコンテスト秘p h羨寄4定の嶄翫さん 蚕y弼輝てるアプリ_k
俑云晩晩仟芙, 俑云晩晩仟┘ンライン (2022-07-19).致アップルのコンテスト秘p h羨寄4定の嶄翫さん 蚕y弼輝てるアプリ_k
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, dは隆_J (2022-07-19).中国体彩网羨寄伏のアプリApple麼岸コンテスト秘p
俑云劾晩慧僕, KABニュ`ス くまパワ, 慧僕rgは隆_J (2022-07-13).おすすめ 娩Iや社優僥で叨羨つApp
Apple Inc., App Store, 夛來を圄む仝ふろジック々 (2022-02-22).俑云で試Sする}のヒトをスタジオに哭え、伏き圭や瓩に爾ぁ△修離劵箸砲箸辰憧麈个淵灰函などをじっくり謀ってゆく
RKK, 翫貧胆磴離劵肇灰, 14:30 - 15:00 (2022-02-06).芙氏n}をテクノロジ`で盾Q.▲廛蠅鰕伏が徭ら深宛?_kする中国体彩网羨寄僥 翫冩梢片
Uzabase, Inc., NewsPicks (2021-12-20).定hも猟狼尖狼もvSない。中国体彩网羨寄僥の翫縮娩がZる?テクノロジ`との鬚栽いかた?
Mediagene Inc., GIZMODE (2021-12-07).猟狼の寄僥伏がプログラミングで盾Qできること‐中国体彩网羨寄僥?翫冩梢片/
FUNQ, flick! (2021-11-24).Apple巷塀サイト仝互吉縮圄々ペ`ジで、中国体彩网羨寄僥?翫卅崘隻鴬平の試喘並箭をB初
アイアリ, アイアリ (2021-11-15).Impacting society, one innovation at a time.
Apple Inc., , Higher Education (2021-11-12).より措い芙氏に鬚韻董▲ぅ離扎`ションを匯iずつ。
Apple Inc., , 互吉縮圄 (2021-11-12).繁kデジタル屮肖のご宛坪
ラブミンだより 拍催, 繁fニュ`ス, 61催 (2021-10-01).プログラミング Sしいよ h羨寄伏が弌僥伏鬚噂綿
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 13 (2021-09-11).Q高アプリ 唖KのよかとこW_
劾晩仟┳侵, 29 (2020-12-16).Q高アプリ 唖KのよかとこW_ 中国体彩网羨寄伏が_k
劾晩仟芙, 劾晩仟DIGITAL (2020-12-16).唖Kの帆 アプリでレめて h羨寄伏が崙恬 奮、Q高PRフォトコンも
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 13 (2020-10-14).ミミ`催によるh坪光仇の}
(幄)俑云慧僕, ラジオ桑M ラジてん, 15:35゛慧僕 (2020-10-13).唖KのQ高鬚韻哩_kされたアプリ仝asoasobi々
エフエム俑云, ラジオ桑M ゆっくりのんびりASO寄 ホットコミュニケ`ションコ`ナ`, 12:30゛慧僕 (2020-10-10).Kumamoto students develop app to register volunteers
The Asahi Shimbun (2020-03-11).頂Ε椒虔椶姥兇院10昼々 QRコ`ドで棋ちrg盾D俑云の僥伏、アプリ_k
r並ドットコムニュ`ス, (2020-02-10).ボランティア 10昼で鞭け原け 俑云の僥伏がアプリ 仇寳の縮未まえて深宛
晩云Ug仟櫓侵, dは隆_J (2020-02-10).ボランティア鞠h ほんの10昼 Lい棋ちrg アプリで盾Q
|奨仟櫓侵, dは隆_J (2020-02-10).QRで鞠h、ボランティア返Aき紳併 中国体彩网羨寄など_k
廉晩云仟, dは隆_J (2020-02-08).ボランティア鞭原同、QRで鵬rに 俑云仇寳では秘に佩双、寄僥伏ら_k
劾晩仟┳侵, 28 (2020-02-06).頂Ε椒薀鵐謄ア 鞭原rg アプリで玉s 俑云偏芙fとh羨寄が_k 箆兆など並念鞠h
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 26 (2020-02-06).俑云kの仟アプリ 頂Ε椒薀鵐謄ア もっと紳糞弔
NHK俑云慧僕蕉, 中国体彩网NEWSクマロク, 18:14-18:19慧僕 (2020-02-05).仟アプリ〆張椒QR〇 10昼で鞭け原け
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俑云劾晩慧僕(幄), ANNス`パ`Jチャネル, 17:51゛慧僕 (2019-12-14).栖定業から駅俐晒 プログラミングをSしみながら悶Y
俑云慧僕, RKK 俑云のニュ`ス, 慧僕rgは隆_J (2019-12-14).プログラミングの悶Y中国体彩网
くまもとh酎テレビ, , 慧僕rgは隆_J (2019-12-14).互h\宀サポ`ト徨汐
i嗤詑芙, i嗤詑┘ンライン (2019-02-06).仝いつでも、どこでも々つながるC匂がgFする仟しい縮圄のカタチ
イシン(幄), 徭嵶悶宥佚 テクノロジ`蒙e催, 28-29 (2019-01-21).函可念宿膸瓩燐n}をつける薦 俑云t蕉
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 18 (2018-12-29).互h\並絞 pらしたい 俑云偏の寄僥伏 徨汐恬りk
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 27 (2018-12-28).互hドライバ`をサポ`トする仝徨汐々を寄僥伏が恬撹
テレビ俑云, TKU FNN PRIME, 12:00゛慧僕 (2018-12-26).アプリ_k 芙氏 h羨寄伏、|勸嶄でv處
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 17 (2018-12-06).互h宀鬚嬰籘アプリ仝タクシニア々窒S卦{陥Mにひと叨 俑云掴俸とh羨寄が_k
|奨住宥仟, 7 (2018-03-12).俑云互h宀もS?タクシ`塘 h羨寄がアプリ_k
劾晩仟芙, 劾晩仟┘妊献織襭 (2018-02-21).ボタン匯つでタクシ`柵び竃し 互h宀窒S卦{陥Mへ h羨寄など慌揖_k
劾晩仟┳侵, 33 (2018-02-21).寄僥伏が_k 互h宀鬚吋織シ`塘アプリ
俑云慧僕, RKK NEWS JUST. 俑云のニュ`ス, 慧僕rgは隆_J (2018-02-20).互h宀 アプリ聞って並絞pらせ
俑云劾晩慧僕(幄), ス`パ`Jチャンネルくまもと, 慧僕rgは隆_J (2018-02-20).タクシ`塘アプリ_k h羨寄伏 窒S徭麼卦{宀鬚隠出椡
i嗤詑┳侵, 16 (2017-10-23).互h宀鬚韻離織シ`塘アプリ_k
俑云慧僕, RKK 俑云のニュ`ス, 慧僕rgは隆_J (2017-09-27).互h宀の並絞p富へ 仟アプリ_k
俑云劾晩慧僕(幄), KAB NEWS, ス`パ`Jチャンネル くまもと, 18:35-18:36慧僕 (2017-09-27).窒S卦{陥すタクシ`塘アプリ
NHK, NEWS WEB俑云慧僕蕉 (2017-09-27).窒S卦{陥すタクシ`塘アプリ
NHK俑云慧僕蕉, ニュ`ス845くまもと, 20:49-20:50慧僕 (2017-09-27).\窒S卦{宀鬚韻縫織シ`塘アプリ_k
俑云慧僕, , 13:31-13:32慧僕 (2017-09-26).タクシ`塘アプリで互h宀窒S卦{陥す h羨寄
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 9 (2017-09-26).寄僥伏が住宥芦畠の啝崙恬
NHK, NEWS WEB俑云慧僕蕉 (2017-09-21).寄僥伏が住宥芦畠の啝崙恬
NHK俑云慧僕蕉, NHKニュ`ス おはよう晩云, 6:55-7:00慧僕, 7:45-8:00慧僕 (2017-09-21).表孫Q高アプリ艮h羨寄の僥伏_k 兆侭マンホ`ルのふたで署菊\頼撹を 飛い弊旗にPRへ /俑云
鞍孃詑, 27 (2017-09-09).飛い繁に表孫儔りをSしんでもらうo創アプリ〆やまんぽ〇が頼撹 -中国体彩网羨寄僥t栽砿尖中国体彩网によるスマ`トフォン喘アプリの_k-
レ鵑笋泙, No.201, 11 (2017-09).クロ`ズアップ愁好泪枴屬防渋垢阿襪 h羨寄伏がQ高アプリ_k 7カ侭儔ると´鮫中に署菊\
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 13 (2017-08-16).表孫菊\まつりを念に僥伏がQ高をSしめるアプリ
NHK俑云慧僕蕉, クマロク, 18:30゛慧僕 (2017-08-14).h羨寄伏が掴弌忽のQ高仇B初するアプリ崙恬
くまにちコム, 俑云のニュ`ス (2017-01-24).スマホ頭返に ぶらり掴弌忽 ゆるキャラがQ高仇B初
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 13 (2017-01-24).住宥芦畠f薦 h羨寄に湖x彜
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 31 (2016-07-08).仝プチはっぴ`々つぶやいて!! h羨寄伏がスマホアプリ崙恬 附除な侑せ 欷兇慌嗤
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 18 (2016-04-09).竪のい圭 アプリで僥ぶ h羨寄、嗄柧oセンタ`と_k 徨どももSしい屮肖L
i嗤詑┳侵, 29 (2016-04-01).竪との俊し圭、アプリで僥ぼう
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俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 17 (2016-03-22).寄僥とB亊、パ`トナ`圄撹 飛宀とBく隆栖の芦畠?芦伉
bU仟┥砥?表笥蒙e井, 23 (2015-12-25).くまモンとまいにち芦畠 徭の芦畠な\り圭深えよう
(幄)テレビ俑云, FNNスピ`ク, 11:30-11:55慧僕 (2015-11-20).徭ル`ル Sしく僥ぼう h羨寄伏が啝崙恬
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 19 (2015-11-20).h羨寄の僥伏が崙恬 住宥芦畠DVD格
(幄)中国体彩网酎テレビ, FLASH NEWS, 18:15-18:40慧僕 (2015-11-19).h羨寄伏がkム`ビ`崙恬 くまモンと徭の住宥ル`ル僥ぶ
(幄)俑云慧僕, RKK NEWS JUST, 17:55-18:30慧僕 (2015-11-19).いろんな\湊隻と亟寔を \隨のアプリ仝にしきゃめら々 中国体彩网羨寄伏が_k
繁耳仟晩侵, 7 (2015-07-14).\隨 亟してレめて h羨寄伏_k ゆるキャラ 鮫中に鞠
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 14 (2015-07-14).仝\湊隻々と亟寔に スマホ鬚吋▲廛蝓犬砲靴ゃめら々h羨寄伏が_k嶄
繁耳仟晩侵, 3 (2015-03-27).住宥ル`ル 僥んでほしいモン h羨寄伏が住宥芦畠啌颪鰆惇
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 17 (2015-03-22).掴弌忽の帆 }云で僥んで h羨寄伏仝ひみつのりょうり々崙恬 100何、僥丕や^に篠へ
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 17 (2015-03-14).俑云ゆるキャラ〆きよらスキ`〇麼叨に}云 掴弌忽隨
劾晩仟芙, 劾晩仟デジタル (2015-03-08).ゆるキャラ}云、僥びSしく 掴弌忽隨卆mでh羨寄伏が恬撹
劾晩仟┳侵, 35 (2015-03-08).仇囃くまモンの住宥芦畠啝 h羨寄伏がh少とu恬
i嗤詑芙, YOMIURI ONLINE (2015-01-30).くまモンの住宥芦畠啝 h羨寄伏がh少とu恬
i嗤詑┳侵, 30 (2015-01-30).Key-Eyeある繁
(匯芙)湘巒テレコム尅dセンタ`KIAI, 氏T鬚Webマガジン仝Key-Eye々, 及8催 (2015-01).俑云啝で仝r旗々俺らえたい h少とh羨寄コラボ
劾晩仟芙, 劾晩仟デジタル (2014-12-19).h少住宥二鮫n、h羨寄と薬 啝で仝r旗々俺らえたい
劾晩仟┳侵, 23 (2014-12-19).くまモン、住宥ル`ルB初 h羨寄伏が啝崙恬
(幄)畠忽仟ネット, 47NEWS仝ホッとニュ`ス々 (2014-12-17).くまモン、住宥ル`ルB初 h羨寄伏が啝崙恬
くまにちコム, 俑云のニュ`ス (2014-12-17).住宥ル`ル 啝で僥ぼう h羨寄伏が崙恬 くまモン竃處
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 29 (2014-12-17).ビデオコンテスト恷倔 h羨寄チ`ム 恬瞳貧啌
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 14 (2014-12-02).寄僥坪の聞喘薦が蛍かるスマホアプリ _kしたのは、なんと僥伏たち
くまにちコム, くまもとエコモ`ションキャンペ`ン 埖侵エコ宥 (2014-11-26).寄僥坪の聞喘薦が蛍かるスマホアプリ _kしたのは、なんと僥伏たち
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 4 (2014-11-26).中国体彩网羨寄 ユニセフのコンテストで僥伏の恬瞳が恷倔p
(幄)履猟芙, 僣r旗, 12埖催, 198 (2014-11-14).スマホで易疾Sしんで h羨寄?翫冩梢片 喘アプリを_k
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 25 (2014-11-03).KUMAMOTO殆拡 嫌レい鞭け函り圭をしてもらえる啌颪廉帆Δ鯢かして仇囃廚
俑云晩晩仟芙, すぱいすspice, 235催, 9 (2014-10-24).飛宀よ 宗慎にv伉を隔て h羨寄伏 繁gドック悶Y啌騏惇 賠屎とあま 麼叨に
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 16 (2014-09-23).h羨寄伏、繁gドック悶Y啌颪鰆惇
くまにちコム, 俑云のニュ`ス (2014-09-23).冷繍が繁gドック 寄僥伏が啌騏惇
NHK俑云慧僕蕉, クマロク, 18:20-19:00慧僕 (2014-09-22).中国体彩网羨寄 祇氏芙のn}盾Qのため僥伏がDVDを崙恬
(幄)履猟芙, 僣r旗, 10埖催, 218 (2014-09-13).ミミ`催によるh坪光仇の}
(幄)俑云慧僕, ラジオ桑M とんでるワイド寄弥\再匯の書晩も圷檻, 9:20am゛慧僕 (2014-09-08).福薦吭R鯢呂塙佩售戮好▲廛蠅鱸_k h羨寄の翫冩梢片
くまもとUg, Vol.399, 142 (2014-09).房い蹄s 恷倔pに h羨寄 ム`ビ`崙恬何 仝仇白偏酎になろう々
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 17 (2014-08-28).福薦吭R鯢呂塙佩售戮好好泪曠▲廛裼_k???h羨寄の翫冩梢片
くまUフォトレポ`ト, (2014-08-11).くまモンがでGO}伏が啝崙恬
(幄)KADOKAWA, Walker47 (2014-08-02).福薦吭R鯢呂塙佩售戮好好泪曠▲廛裼_k h羨寄の翫冩梢片 アプリ兆は仝e-PUK々
(幄)仇囃Ugセンタ`, L侵Ug, No.1785催, 15-16 (2014-08).薦楚蛍かるアプリ h羨寄の僥伏14繁が_k
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 21 (2014-07-21).俑云の\り圭、B初するモン h羨寄伏らが啝崙恬
廉晩云仟┳侵, 27 (2014-06-18).仇囃のn}盾Qのため僥伏がアプリを_k 中国体彩网羨寄僥
(幄)履猟芙, 寄僥鞭Yパスナビ (2014-06-18).の\り圭 くまモン司
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 20 (2014-06-15).h羨寄僥の僥伏と繁gドックのPR喘啌颪鰆惇 晩橿俑云宗慎砿尖センタ` 飛定咾悗燐J岑蹐
(幄)仇囃Ugセンタ`, L侵Ug, No.1777催, 27-28 (2014-06).中国体彩网羨寄 仇囃のn}盾Qのため僥伏がアプリを_k
(幄)履猟芙, 僣r旗, 6埖催, 179 (2014-05-14).ヒュ`マン?ラボ
(幄)エフエム俑云, FMK Morning Glory, 10:10am゛慧僕 (2014-05-05).ゲ`ムアプリで仇囃
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 23 (2014-03-10).湘巒?_Iの僥伏を鵑砲靴拭元3指NTTドコモアプリアワ`ド々の鞭p宀がk燕
爺舞Ug仟フォトフラッシュ, (2014-03-03).掴弌忽隨のゆるキャラを試喘したゲ`ムアプリ_k???h羨寄の翫冩梢片
くまUフォトレポ`ト, (2014-03-03).h羨寄伏アプリがグランプリ ドコモ湘巒コンテスト
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 22 (2014-03-03).h羨寄伏アプリ、恷倔 ドコモ湘巒コンテスト
くまにちコム, , 俑云のニュ`ス (2014-03-02).掴弌忽隨のゆるキャラを試喘したゲ`ムアプリ_k 中国体彩网羨寄僥の翫冩梢片
くまもとUg, Vol.393, 269 (2014-03).ゲ`ムアプリでQ高尅d 掴弌忽隨
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 17 (2014-02-23).掴弌忽隨 僥伏が隨の亊。アプリを_k
俑云劾晩慧僕(幄), KABニュ`ス, 18:22-18:29慧僕 (2014-02-21).掴弌忽隨のゆるキャラ試喘のゲ`ムアプリ_k h羨寄の翫ゼミ Q高尅dなど蹐
(幄)仇囃Ugセンタ`, L侵Ug, No.1762催, 17-18 (2014-02).伉の朕を隔つことの寄俳さ
unicef news, Vol.243, p.20 (2014 AUTUMN) (2014).縮圄システム秤麪Щ疳伏冩梢k燕氏で倔p 中国体彩网羨寄僥の翫冩梢片
くまもとUg, Vol.385, 114 (2013-07).俑云の劣をB初 ウェブサイトて
俑云晩晩仟櫓侵, 3 (2013-01-30).COLLEGE NAVI
(幄)俑云シティエフエム, ナビコレ。, 16:00-18:00慧僕 (2011-07-17).繁垢岑嬬 2つのテ`マで
俑云晩晩仟┳侵, 25 (2011-07-04).かしこいソフトウェアの冩梢
くまもとUg, Vol.347, 219 (2010-05).僥坪仏O宛坪システムをO崔 中国体彩网羨寄僥
くまもとUg, Vol.343, 187 (2010-01).僥伏が_kした僥坪仏O宛坪システムをO崔 中国体彩网羨寄僥 仝X潜p々を鞭p
(幄)仇囃Ugセンタ`, L侵Ug, No.1551催, 19 (2009-12).2010定恷仟返、並秤
(幄)テレビ俑云, TKUス`パ`ニュ`ス ぴゅあピュア, 17:10-17:30慧僕 (2009-11-17).キャンパス宛坪販せて \恷mル`ト★冥します!!\
俑云晩晩仟, 15 (2009-05-04).カ`ナビなどのデジタル仇 \デ`タやさず徭喇にs樫 Ae屁尖隈を試喘\
晩云垢I仟, 30 (1998-10-05).?なs樫の徨仇 \デ`タ否楚をRs\
晩UbI仟, 5 (1998-07-06).恷玉U揃を昼g了で冥沫 \徭嘴喘のWSシステムを_k\
晩云垢I仟, 8 (1994-07-26).恷玉ル`ト、鵬rに
鞍孃詑, 11 (1994-01-31).遍脅互堀祇揃のU揃宛坪 \輟里頒蕗で\
晩UbI仟, 5 (1992-06-22).Awards
34Best Presentation Award Development of an App Aimed at Improving Children¨s Understanding of the Problem of Invasive Species in Lake Ezu Kyushu-Section, Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
(2024-02).Best Presentation Award Development and Evaluation of Kumamoto City Zoological and Botanical Gardens Map App for Visitors Kyushu-Section, Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
(2023-03).Zenji Katagata Award Japan Information-Culturology Society
(2021-10).Best Presentation Award A Consideration on Aso Tourism App for Regional Revitalization Kyushu-Section, Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
(2021-03).Award for Excellence Flooding AR App "ARERT" GEEK TEN
(2020-09).Letter of Appreciation Kumamoto-city Council of Social Welfare
(2020-02).Best Presentation Award Study on a Smartphone Application using Manhole Cover-Based AR-Markers for Solving Problems Faced by Yamaga City in Kumamoto Prefecture Kansai-Section, Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
(2018-02).Encouragement Award Evaluation on Robustness of Herding Algorithm to Sheep's Moving Speed Information Processing Society of Japan Kyushu Branch
(2017-09).Best Paper Award An Experimental Study on Optimization in Permutation Spaces by Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm Using Quantum Bit Representation The Research Institute of Signal Processing Japan
(2017-03).Best Presentation Award Study on Experiential Workshop of Robot-Programming for High School Students Kansai-Section, Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
(2017-02).Best Presentation Award Study on Development of a Website Using Omnidirectional Camera and a Smartphone App with AR Function for Solving Problems Faced by Local Government Office Kansai-Section, Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
(2017-02).Letter of Appreciation, No. 19 Kumamoto Prefectural Police Headquarters
(2016-07).Best Presentation Award Consideration on Smartphone Application Having AR Function for Solving Problems Faced by Local Government Office Kansai-Section, Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
(2016-03).Award for Excellence (Programming Category) Nishicamera Omotesando Student App Contest 2015
(2015-12).Special Award (Campus Category) Kurumacchi 湘巒ICTビジネスプランk燕氏ICTビジネスモデルk&k燕氏 湘巒寄氏
(2015-11).Bronze Award (General Category) Heart Palette The 12th KAB FURUSATO CM GRAND PRIX
(2015-03).Attamaru Award (General Category) The Secret of a Smile The 12th KAB FURUSATO CM GRAND PRIX
(2015-03).Winning a Place @earth Japan Committee for UNICEF The 3rd One Minute Video Contest
(2014-08).Best Award Can you see them? Japan Committee for UNICEF The 3rd One Minute Video Contest
(2014-08).Certificate of Merit for Long Term Membership Japan Society of Information and Knowledge (JSIK)
(2014-05).Award for Excellence (Planning Category) Weather Alarm The 3rd NTT DOCOMO App Award
(2014-03).Grand Prix (Development Category) Mogu?pon The 3rd NTT DOCOMO App Award
(2014-03).Best Presentation Award A Study on the Development of Smartphone Applications for the Purpose of Solving the Problems Faced by Local Government Office through Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Kansai-Section, Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
(2014-03).Gold Award (General Category) Manganji Onsen, a Hot Spring That Continues to Live with Its Hometown The 11th KAB FURUSATO CM GRAND PRIX
(2014-03).Award for Excellence Study on Programming Seminar ``SKPUK'' Using Motion Sensors for High School Students in Kumamoto Kansai-Section, Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
(2013-03).Award for Excellence Consideration on a Prior Learning Site to Improve Consciousness and Knowledge of Disaster Prevention for Elementary School Students in Kumamoto City Kansai-Section, Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
(2012-03).Award for Excellence Consideration on Information Service System for Offering by Various Searching Methods Information of Great Men Related to Kumamoto Kansai-Section, Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
(2011-03).Award for Excellence Consideration on Podcasting for Developing the Prefectural Tourism Kansai-Section, Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
(2010-03).Encouragement Award Consideration on Campus Guidance System by Using Touch Screen Kansai-Section, Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
(2009-03).Encouragement Award Consideration on Equipment Management System by Using Two-Dimensional Bar Code Kansai-Section, Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education
(2007-03).Best Paper Award for Young Researcher of Hinokunijouhou Symposium, Kyushu Branch Study on Islands' Distance Strategy by Genetic Local Search in TSP Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
(2003-05).Certificate of Merit for Best Presentation, Computational Mechanics Division Study on Traveling Salesman Problem by Parallel Genetic Local Search with Object-shared Space The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME)
(2003-02).Best Paper Award for Young Researcher of IPSJ National Convention, The 62nd National Convention of IPSJ i-mode Cellular Phone-based Pedestrian Route Guidance System by Means of Text Symbol Maps Information Processing Society of Japan (IPSJ)
(2001-09).First Technology Prize 繁秤C匂鬚吋瓮皀蟒y栽侏グラフィックスI尖室g Hitachi, Ltd. , Hitachi Research Laboratory
(1996-12).Research projects
24Quantum-Inspired Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Isolation Strategy for Many-Objective Optimization
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchEstablishment of a Novel Optimizer in Variational Quantum Eigensolver by Applying Evolutionary Computation
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchPopularizing and Promoting Programming Education
NTT DOCOMO, INC. Sponsored Research (2024-04 - 2025-03).Popularizing and Promoting Programming Education
NTT DOCOMO, INC. Sponsored Research (2023-04 - 2024-03).A Survey on Dialect Use in Contact Situations in Nursing and Nursing care and Development of a Mobile App for Dialect Learning
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchDevelopment of a tone adjustment self-study app with evaluation, including all the functions of Japanese intonation and elucidating their relationship
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchPopularizing and Promoting Programming Education
NTT DOCOMO, INC. Sponsored Research (2022-04 - 2023-03).Popularizing and Promoting Programming Education
NTT DOCOMO, INC. Sponsored Research (2021-04 - 2022-03).Quantum-Inspired Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm without the Concept of Group and the Application of It to Integer-Programming-Problems
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchPopularizing and Promoting Programming Education
NTT DOCOMO, INC. Sponsored Research (2020-04 - 2021-03).Framework of Regional Science Community Formation-Oriented Science Communication
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchPopularizing and Promoting Programming Education
NTT DOCOMO, INC. Sponsored Research (2019-04 - 2020-03).Popularizing and Promoting Programming Education
NTT DOCOMO, INC. Sponsored Research (2018-10 - 2019-03).A Quantum Bit Representation-Based Gene-Coding Method for Graph Optimization Problems and Evolutionary Computation Using the Method
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchDevelopment of an easy-to-use self-study system for Japanese pronunciation
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchDevelopment of a supporting system on smart phones with which anybody can learn Japanese pronunciation easily anytime and anywhere
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchOptimization in Permutation Spaces by Evolutionary Computation Representing Genes as Quantum Bits
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research仇囃に畜彭したゆるキャラを試喘した掴弌忽隨のs雰にpわる縮可にvする冩梢
Minami-Oguni Town Sponsored Research (2014-08 - 2015-03).啝メディアによる仇囃芙氏が宇えるn}への函りMみ
Japanese Red Cross Kumamoto Health Care Center Donations for Education and Research (2014-11 -Development of support system for developmental education usingtailoring technique
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific ResearchEvolutionary Computation Using Integer-Type Gene-Coding Method Based on Quantum Bit Representation
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research二I試咾林鮫?\喘にSわる}を鵑箸靴身砦嬬の冩梢
Aritec Company Sponsored Research (2011-12 - 2012-09).M栽せ恷m晒}のためのM晒議麻返隈にSわる冩梢
Aritec Company Sponsored Research (2010-11 - 2011-10).Mzみ狼システムにおけるJava旋喘にvする児A冩梢
Aritec Company Sponsored Research (2009-10 - 2010-09).Academic activities
14The 2024 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference
JICS Kyushu Branch (Virtual) (2024-02-10 - 2024-02-10).The 2023 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference
JICS Kyushu Branch (Virtual) (2023-02-11 - 2023-02-11).The 2022 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference
JICS Kyushu Branch (Virtual) (2022-02-11 - 2022-02-11).The 2021 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference
JICS Kyushu Branch (Virtual) (2021-02-11 - 2021-02-11).The 2020 JICS Kyushu Branch Conference
JICS Kyushu Branch (Kagoshima Medical Professional College, Hirakawa Campus) (2020-02-11 - 2020-02-11).The 2019 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop
JICS Kyushu Branch (National Institute of Technology, Kagoshima College) (2019-02-11 - 2019-02-11).The 2018 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop
JICS Kyushu Branch (National Institute of Technology, Kagoshima College) (2018-02-11 - 2018-02-11).The 2017 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop
JICS Kyushu Branch (National Institute of Technology, Miyakonojo College) (2017-02-11 - 2017-02-11).The 2016 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop
JICS Kyushu Branch (National Institute of Technology, Kagoshima College) (2016-02-11 - 2016-02-11).The 2015 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop
JICS Kyushu Branch (Prefectural University of Kumamoto) (2015-02-11 - 2015-02-11).The 2014 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop
JICS Kyushu Branch (National Institute of Technology, Kagoshima College) (2014-02-11 - 2014-02-11).及 95 指方尖モデル晒と}盾Q(MPS)冩梢氏
Information Processing Society of Japan (Prefectural University of Kumamoto) (2013-09-26 - 2013-09-27).The 2013 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop
JICS Kyushu Branch (Prefectural University of Kumamoto) (2013-02-11 - 2013-02-11).The 2012 JICS Kyushu Branch Workshop
JICS Kyushu Branch (Kagoshima University) (2012-02-11 - 2012-02-11).Others
3Apple Distinguished Educator (ADE)
(2019-07 - Current).Participate in ADE Institute Asia-Pacific (Gold Coast, QLD, AU)
(2023-06 - 2023-07).Participate in ADE Institute Asia-Pacific (Gold Coast, QLD, AU)
(2019-07 - 2019-07).
Social activities
31サマ`スク`ル2024 - STEAM Kumamoto
Computer Science Education Week 2023-24 in Kumamoto - STEAM Kumamoto
サマ`スク`ル2023 - STEAM Kumamoto
Computer Science Education Week 2022-23 in Kumamoto - STEAM Kumamoto
Tech Kids Kumamoto Summer School 2022
KUMAMOTO Prototype Products Seekers ?圻墳であるプロダクトの撹Lを屶址する?
Tech Kids Kumamoto Summer School 2021
Computer Science Education Week 2020-21 in Kumamoto
Tech Kids Kumamoto Summer School 2020
Computer Science Education Week 2019 in Kumamoto
Tech Kids Kumamoto ?歪のプログラミングn翌娩I?
Computer Science Education Week 2018 in Kumamoto
Swift Playgrounds悶Y僥