
孎杮導棫戝妛 娐嫬嫟惗妛晹 怘寬峃壢妛壢 徏杮尋媶幒



  • INOKAWA H., YAMADA H., MATSUMOTO N., MURANISHI M. & KIMURA M. Juxtacellular Labeling of Tonically Active Neurons (TANs) and Phasically Active Neurons (PANs) in the Rat Striatum. Neurosci. 168-2: 395-404 (2010) Jun.
  • YAMADA H., MATSUMOTO N. & KIMURA M. History- and Current Instruction-Based Coding of Forthcoming Behavioral Outcomes in the Striatum. J. Neurophysiol. 98-6: 3557-3567. (2007) Dec.
  • KIMURA M., SATOH T. & MATSUMOTO N. What does the habenula tell dopamine neurons? Nature Neurosci. 10: 677-678 (2007) (News and Views) Jun.
  • YAMADA H., MATSUMOTO N. & KIMURA M. Tonically Active Neurons in the Primate Caudate Nucleus and Putamen Differentially Encode Instructed Motivational Outcomes of Action. J. Neurosci. 24-14: 3500-3510. (2004) Apr.
  • KIMURA M., MINAMIMOTO T., MATSUMOTO N. & HORI Y. Monitoring and Switching of Cortico-basal Ganglia Loop Functions by the Thalamo-striatal System. Neurosci. Res. 48-4: 355-360 (2004) Apr.
  • KIMURA M. YAMADA H & MATSUMOTO N. Tonicaly Active Neurons in the Striatum Encode Motivational Context of Action. Brain and Development 25(suppl. 1): S20-23 (2003) Dec.
  • KIMURA M., MATSUMOTO N., OKAHASHI K., UEDA Y., SATOH T., MINAMIMOTO T., SAKAMOTO M & YAMADA H. Goal-directed, Serial and Synchronous Activation of Neurons in the Primate Striatum. Neuroreport. 14-6: 799-802. (2003) May.
  • MATSUMOTO N., MINAMIMOTO T., GRAYBIEL AM. & KIMURA M. Neurons in the Thalamic CM-Pf Complex Supply Striatal Neurons with Information about Behaviorally Significant Sensory Events. J. Neurophysiol. 85-2: 960-976. (2001) Feb.
  • 徏杮 捈岾丆栘懞泬丂戝擼婎掙妀偺妛廗婡擻, 擼21. 3: 299-304 (2000) Jul.
  • MATSUMOTO N., HANAKAWA T., MAKI S., GRAYBIEL AM. & KIMURA M. Role of [corrected] Nigrostriatal Dopamine System in Learning to Perform Sequential Motor Tasks in a Predictive Manner. J. Neurophysiol. 82-2: 978-998. (1999) Aug.
  • KIMURA M. & MATSUMOTO N. Nigrostriatal Dopamine System May Contribute to Behavioral Learning through Providing Reinforcement Signals to the Striatum. Eur. Neurol. 38(suppl. 1): 11-17. (1997) Aug.
  • KIMURA M., KATO M., SHIMAZAKI H., WATANABE K. & MATSUMOTO N. Neural Information Transferred From the Putamen to the Globus Pallidus During Learned Movement in the Monkey. J. Neurophysiol. 76-6: 3771-3788. (1996) Dec.


  • KIMURA M., SATOH T., SATO T., ENOMOTO K. & MATSUMOTO N. Motivational Signals of Dopamine Neurons. In: Recent Breakthroughs in Basal Ganglia Research. Eds. by Bezard E., Nova Science Publishers, New York pp81-89 (2006) Dec.
  • SATOH T., MATSUMOTO N., NAKAI S., SATOH T., MINAMIMOTO T. & KIMURA M. Dopamine Neurons Encode Teaching Signals for Learning Reward-based Decision Strategy. In: International Congress Series 1250 - Cognition and Emotion in the Brain. Eds. by Ono T, Matsumoto G, Llinas RR, Berthoz A, Norgren R, Nishijo H, Tamura R. Elsevier B.V. , Amsterdam pp311-318 (2003) Dec.
  • KIMURA M., MATSUMOTO N., UEDA Y., SATOH T., MINAMIMOTO T. & YAMADA H. Involvement of the Basal Ganglia and Dopamine System in Learning and Execution of Goal-directed Behavior. In: Advances in Behavioral Biology vol. 53 - Catecholamine Research Proceeding of the 9th International Catecholamine Symposium. Eds. by Nagasu T, Nabeshima T, McCarty R, Goldstein DS. Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers, New York pp377-380 (2002) Oct.
  • KIMURA M. & MATSUMOTO N. Neuronal Activity in the Basal Ganglia: Functional Implications. In: Advances in Neurology: The Basal Ganglia and New Surgical Approaches for Parkinson乫s Disease. Eds. by Obeso J., DeLong MR., Ohye C., Marsden CD. Lippincott-Raven, New York, pp 111-118 (1997) Nov.
  • MATSUMOTO N., HANAKAWA T., MAKI S. & KIMURA M. The Effect of Unilateral Nigrostriatal Dopamine Depletion on Learned Hand-eye Coordination in Monkeys. In: THE BASAL GANGLIA V. Eds. by Ohye C., Kimura M., McKenzie JS. Plenum press, New York, pp 201-207 (1997) Feb.
  • MATSUMOTO N., HANAKAWA T., MAKI S. & KIMURA M. The Effects of Unilateral Nigrostriatal Dopamine Depletion on Learning and Memory of Sequential Motor Tasks in Monkeys. In: Brain Processes and Memory. Eds. by ISHIKAWA K., McGAUGH J.L., SAKATA H. Elsevier Science, pp307-315 (1996) Sep.


  • 忋揷 峃夒丆嶳拞 峲丆嶭搰 榓峴丆摵扟 尗帯丆嶳揷 梞丆堜擵愳 恗丆徏杮 捈岾丆栘懞 泬丂嫮壔妛廗儌僨儖偵婎偯偔戝擼婎掙妀慄忦懱偺僪乕僷儈儞D1 庴梕懱偺栶妱偵偮偄偰柧傜偐偵偡傞尋媶, 乽擔杮峴摦恄宱撪暘斿尋媶夛戞侾夞娭惣巟晹丂曌嫮夛乿(2011) Feb. 乮嫗搒乯
  • 堜擵愳 恗丆嶳揷 梞丆徏杮 捈岾丆忋揷 峃夒丆栘懞 泬丂曬廣偵婎偯偔峴摦慖戰偵偍偗傞慄忦懱傾僙僠儖僐儕儞怣崋偺栶妱乽擔杮峴摦撪暘斿尋媶夛戞侾夞娭惣巟晹曌嫮夛乿(2011) Feb. 乮嫗搒乯
  • 徏杮 捈岾 僪乕僷儈儞嵶朎偼暋悢偺慖戰峴摦偱摼傜傟傞憤曬廣検偵婎偯偔壙抣傪昞尰偡傞 乽恎懱塣摦偺壢妛儚乕僋僔儑僢僾乿(2010) Jan. (暉壀)
  • KIMURA M., YAMADA H., ENOMOTO K., MATSUMOTO N., HORI Y., UEDA Y. &  YAMANAKA K. Involvement of the Basal Ganglia in Valuation and Selection of Actions. 擔杮惗棟妛夛 (2009) Jul. 乮嫗搒乯乮僙僢僔儑儞丗丂Multidisciplinary approaches to basal ganglia functions乯
  • 徏杮 捈岾 Dopamine Neurons Encode Reward Values of Multi-Step Actions toward a Goal and Their Errors. 乽恎懱塣摦偺壢妛儚乕僋僔儑僢僾乿(2008) Aug. (垻慼)
  • 堜擵愳 恗丆嶳揷 梞丆徏杮 捈岾丆墊杮 堦婭丆栘懞 泬丂慄忦懱偺僐儕儞嶌摦惈嵶朎偺摨掕偲峴摦壽戣偵偍偗傞忣曬昞尰, 惗棟妛尋媶強尋媶夛(2008) Jan. (壀嶈)
  • MATSUMOTO N., ENOMOTO K. & KIMURA M. Dopamine Neurons Encode Reward Values of Multi-Step Actions toward a Goal and Their Errors. 擔杮惗棟妛夛 (2007) Mar. (戝嶃)乮僙僢僔儑儞丗From coding reward value to computation of reward information丂嵗挿乯
  • YAMADA H., INOKAWA H., MATSUMOTO N., ENOMOTO K. & KIMURA M. Signals of Striatal Projection Neurons, Tonically Active Neurons and Dopamine Neurons During Reward-Based Decision-Making and Action Selection. 擔杮惗棟妛夛 (2007) Mar. (戝嶃)(僙僢僔儑儞丗Information processing of the striatal neural network)
  • KIMURA M., SATOH T., MATSUMOTO N. & ENOMOTO K. Involvement of Dopamine System in Reward-Based Decision and Learning. 擔杮恄宱壢妛夛 (2004) Sep. (戝嶃)
  • SATOH T, MATSUMOTO N, NAKAI S, SATOH T, MINAMIMOTO T, KIMURA M. Dopamine Neurons Encode Teaching Signals for Learning Reward-based Decision Strategy. International Symposium "Limbic and Association Cortical Systems ---Basic, Clinical and Computational Aspects---". (2002).Oct. (晉嶳)
  • MATSUMOTO N. & KIMURA M. Changes of Striate Neuron Activity Through Learning Sequence Motor Tasks. 擔杮惗棟妛夛 (2001) Apr. (嫗搒乯
  • 徏杮 捈岾丂弴彉塣摦偺妛廗偵偍偗傞戝擼婎掙妀偺栶妱, 惗棟妛尋媶強尋媶夛(2000) Jan. (壀嶈)
  • 徏杮 捈岾丆栘懞 泬丂弴彉塣摦偺妛廗偲幚峴偵偍偗傞帇彴CM/Pf-慄忦懱搳幩偺栶妱, 擔杮戝擼婎掙妀尋媶夛(1998) Jul. (挿昹)



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